Children of Theodocia Farmer and Magnus Carter are
1. Male Carter was born in 1826 in Georgia.
2. Nancy H. Carter was born on August 25, 1828.
3. Mary Susan Carter was born on February 11, 1831 in Georgia. She died on July 4, 1886. Mary is buried at Carter/Fleeman Cemetery in Arnoldsville, Oglethorpe, Georgia.
4. Elbert Berry Carter was born in 1833.
5. Female Carter was born in 1836 in Georgia.
6. Elvira Frances Carter was born in January 1840.
The birth years for the male and female Carter children were estimated from the 1830 and 1840 census records and by comparing the ages of the other children.
1830 Census: Oglethorpe County, Georgia
1840 Census: Oglethorpe County, Georgia
1850 Census: Oglethorpe County, Georgia
1860 Census: Oglethorpe County, Georgia
1880 Census: Oglethorpe County, Georgia
Georgia Marriages, 1699 - 1944
Theodoci Farmer & Magnus Carter 02 February 1826, Oglethorpe County GA
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