Joyce Weaver (daughter of John Weaver and Elizabeth Cooke). She married Nicholas Callaham (son of Mr. Callaham).
Children of Joyce Weaver and Nicholas Callaham
1. Henry Weaver Callaham was born on April 21, 1740 in Surry County, Virginia.
2. John Callaham
3. David Calliham
4. Nicholas Callaham
September 5, 1723 -- Calliham, Nicholas 5 Sep 1723 350 Acres (Albemarle Parish) So. Side Nottoway River inSurry Co. Patent Bk. 11, 1719- 1724, p. 273
March 24, 1725 -- Callyham, Nicholas 24 Mar 1725 270 Acres, beginning Mouth of Reedy River in Surry Co. Patent Bk.12, 1724-1725, p. 465
March 17, 1728 -- Richard Woodruff deeded to Nicholas Calliham, both of Surry Co., Va., 225 acres of land on both sides of Hunting Quarter Swamp on south side of Nottoway River in Surry County, bordering John Anderson's and Nicholas Calliham's land. Witnesses: John Mason, William Longbottom.
March 18/19, 1728 -- Nicholas Callyham, of Surry Co., Va., and his wife, Joyce, deeded to William Pettiway235 acres of land, this land having been deeded by Robert Rives to Nicholas Callyham, by lease and release, on 15 and 16 Jul 1718.
March 22, 1730 -- Callyham, Nicholas 22 Sep 1730 250 Acres, So. Side of Nottoway River, in Surry Co., bordering Callyham's other land, with stipulation he must cultivate 3 acres of every 50, or lose land at end of 3 years. Patent Bk. 18, 1738-1739, p. 459
July 12, 1732 -- Nicholas Callaham and his wife, Joyce, (by their marks) deeded to Richard Night, both of Surry Co., Va., 100 acres of land lying on south side of Nottoway River and on the south side of Hunting Quarter Swamp, bordering John King. Witnesses: Richard Woodruff, William Pettiway.
July 7, 1740 -- Nicholis Calleham and wife, Joice, of Surry Co., Va., deeded to Richard Knight, 220 acres on south side of Nottoway River in Albemarle Parish, Surry Co., "beginning at the mouth of a branch on the north side of Hunting Quarter Swamp.... which is enclosed by pattern (sic) of 350 acres of land granted to Nicholas Calleham, dated 5 September 1723". Witnesses: John Stevens, John Paynter, John King, Jr.
March 15, 1741 -- Callaham, Nicholas 15 Mar 1741 250 Acres, No. Side of Kettlestick Branch, Brunswick Co., Patent Bk. 20, 1741-1743 V#I, p. 179
1748 -- Lewis Deloney's List -- Lunenburg County, VA Tithable List
1749 -- Hugh Lawson's List -- Lunenburg County, VA Tithable List
December 15, 1749 -- Callahan, Nicholas 15 Dec 1749 400 Acres, Lower Side of Flat Rock Creek, Lunenburg Co. ,Patent Bk. 29, 1749-1751 p. 26.
December 15, 1749 -- Callahan, Nicholas 15 Dec 1749 190 Acres, So. Side of Nottoway River, Hunting Quarter Swamp, Surry Co., adjoining his other lands. Patent Bk. 29, 1749-1751, p. 52
1750 -- Hugh Lawson's List -- Lunenburg County, VA Tithable List
1752 -- Hugh Lawson's List -- Lunenburg County, VA Tithable List
August 7, 1753 -- Lunenburg County Deed Book 3, p. 298 From Nicolas Calleham of Cumberland Parish in Lunenburg, to John Calleham of same. Nicolas Calleham gives to his son, John Calleham, after his decease and his wife, Joyce Calleham's decease, a certain parcel of land in Cumberland Parish and Lunenburg on the north side of Kettlestick Branch and bounded by (trees) containing 250 acres granted to the said Nicolas Calleham by letters. Signed - Nicolas (X his mark) Calliham. Wit.- William Pearson, John Atkerson, Jacob Wats. Rec. Aug 7, 1753.
March 24, 1757 -- Nicolas Calliham (by his mark), of Cumberland Parish, Lunenburg Co., Va., "for natural love and affection," deeded to his son, David Calliham, 400 acres of land, granted by patent of 15 Dec 1749 to said Nicolas Calliham on northside of Flat Rock Creek adjoining lands of John Edloe, Arthur Freeman. Witnesses: John Calliham, Athanatious Elmore.
He was born before 1699. He must have been at least 21 to serve as executor to his brother's will in 1720. He and his wife, Joyce, were married prior to February 17, 1719, which was the date of Joyce's father's will that lists her as Joyce Calliham. Nicholas Callaham deeded land to his son, David, in 1757, but was not listed in the 1764 tithable lists. It is assumed he died between those dates.
Nicholas Callaham and Some of His Known Descendants, by Willie Mae Wood, 2000
Will of John Weaver (1719 Surry County, Virginia)
Will of Nicholas Callaham -- August 21, 1752 -- Cumberland Parish, Lunenburg, Virginia